User Points 4.2.16
Descended from Alpha User points via Alta User Points, this is a Joomla 3.10.x/4.x/5.x component. It manages user points that can be earned through user actions, and spent on services and products. Capable of being interfaced to many other Joomla extensions.
Recent fixes include bug in user reset, avatar handling, improved referral processing for invitations, fixes for coupons, QR codes along with other bug fixes and code upgrades. Languages have machine translated additions - now supporting 16 languages. Notifications have been checked for reliability. Raffle bug fixed.
UserPoints now has integrated ability to purchase points. That requires the (free) Payage component and one or more Payage payment gateway plugins. See the documentation for more details.
The code is being radically improved and the software is fully supported - please raise a ticket if needed.
Documentation is also under development - you can find it at
If you install this component, it will import parameters from Alta User Points and will use the same database tables as Alta/Alpha User Points. Any Alta/Alpha User Points extensions will be uninstalled.
Work is going on the update compatibility of other Joomla Extensions. jDownloads is compatible. Hikashop will be compatible in its next release.
There is much more work to be done on integrations. The sync and recalculate functions have had their efficiency hugely increased. For the technically minded, the code has mostly been namespaced and references to Joomla classes and methods updated. Much code cleaning has been done and an improved object model created.
In principle, this is compatible with earlier user points components and their integrations. But the transition to Joomla 4 and the renaming will have created some issues. Please report any problems via our ticket system.
Where a third party product is involved (such as another extension or a plugin) please provide a copy of the software.
This release provides for integration with Joomdonation's EShop.