Remository Files
7 Containers
A New Remository

A Place for User Points
User points management for Joomla 4.x/5.x (also 3.10.x).
Please note that this is software under development
A huge amount of work has been done to bring this software up to date, as well as make it compatible with Joomla 4/5. Development has now reached a stage where it seemed reasonable to launch it on the Joomla Extension Directory and to make a small charge for the software and its support. For the moment, the charge is a modest 14.99 USD for one year. To access UserPoints, please take out a "UserPoints Support and Upgrade" subscription.
The software is now looking pretty robust, but with extensive changes to the code, there is still a possibility of bugs. If you find a problem, please raise a ticket. Usually these are turned round quickly and a solution provided.
When forking, I first named the software Beta User Points, but some people thought this made it sound like a beta release. So I've changed to the simpler User Points.

Automation of SSL Certificates

Free Joomla Extensions