Update Remository orphans with cron

Submitted On: 30 Jan 2024
File Size: 2
Downloads: 2
File Version: 1.1
File Author: Martin Brampton
File HomePage: Click to visit site

This plugin requires the free restful plugin, also available here. Both plugins should be installed and enabled. You can then run a check for orphans when convenient. To do it manually, point your browser to https://example.com/remository/orphans.

This can be automated using cron. For that, create a cron job that runs the command "curl https://example.com/remository.orphans" at suitable times, say overnight.

With the plugin installed and enabled, Remository will not update the orphan counts as part of the user interface. This will speed up the loading of the dashboard for a site with a large repository.

Requires Remository 4.1.0 or higher.

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